rocket_league.done_conditions ============================= .. py:module:: rocket_league.done_conditions Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 /autoapi/rocket_league/done_conditions/all_condition/index /autoapi/rocket_league/done_conditions/any_condition/index /autoapi/rocket_league/done_conditions/goal_condition/index /autoapi/rocket_league/done_conditions/no_touch_condition/index /autoapi/rocket_league/done_conditions/noop_condition/index /autoapi/rocket_league/done_conditions/timeout_condition/index Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: rocket_league.done_conditions.AllCondition rocket_league.done_conditions.AnyCondition rocket_league.done_conditions.GoalCondition rocket_league.done_conditions.NoTouchTimeoutCondition rocket_league.done_conditions.NoopCondition rocket_league.done_conditions.TimeoutCondition Package Contents ---------------- .. py:class:: AllCondition(*conditions: rlgym.api.DoneCondition) Bases: :py:obj:`rlgym.api.DoneCondition`\ [\ :py:obj:`rlgym.api.AgentID`\ , :py:obj:`rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState`\ ] A DoneCondition that is satisfied when all the provided conditions are satisfied. .. py:attribute:: conditions :value: () .. py:method:: reset(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], initial_state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None Function to be called each time the environment is reset. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition will be evaluated :param initial_state: The initial state of the reset environment. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. .. py:method:: is_done(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[rlgym.api.AgentID, bool] Function to determine if a game state is terminal. This will be called once per step, and must return either `True` or `False` if the current episode should be terminated at this state. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition should be evaluated :param state: The current state of the game. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. :return: Dict of bools representing whether the current state meets this done condition for each AgentID in agents. .. py:class:: AnyCondition(*conditions: rlgym.api.DoneCondition) Bases: :py:obj:`rlgym.api.DoneCondition`\ [\ :py:obj:`rlgym.api.AgentID`\ , :py:obj:`rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState`\ ] A DoneCondition that is satisfied when any of the provided conditions are satisfied. .. py:attribute:: conditions :value: () .. py:method:: reset(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], initial_state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None Function to be called each time the environment is reset. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition will be evaluated :param initial_state: The initial state of the reset environment. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. .. py:method:: is_done(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[rlgym.api.AgentID, bool] Function to determine if a game state is terminal. This will be called once per step, and must return either `True` or `False` if the current episode should be terminated at this state. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition should be evaluated :param state: The current state of the game. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. :return: Dict of bools representing whether the current state meets this done condition for each AgentID in agents. .. py:class:: GoalCondition Bases: :py:obj:`rlgym.api.DoneCondition`\ [\ :py:obj:`rlgym.api.AgentID`\ , :py:obj:`rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState`\ ] A DoneCondition that is satisfied when a goal is scored. .. py:method:: reset(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], initial_state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None Function to be called each time the environment is reset. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition will be evaluated :param initial_state: The initial state of the reset environment. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. .. py:method:: is_done(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[rlgym.api.AgentID, bool] Function to determine if a game state is terminal. This will be called once per step, and must return either `True` or `False` if the current episode should be terminated at this state. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition should be evaluated :param state: The current state of the game. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. :return: Dict of bools representing whether the current state meets this done condition for each AgentID in agents. .. py:class:: NoTouchTimeoutCondition(timeout_seconds: float) Bases: :py:obj:`rlgym.api.DoneCondition`\ [\ :py:obj:`rlgym.api.AgentID`\ , :py:obj:`rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState`\ ] A DoneCondition that is satisfied when no car has touched the ball for a specified amount of time. .. py:attribute:: timeout_seconds .. py:attribute:: last_touch_tick :value: None .. py:method:: reset(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], initial_state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None Function to be called each time the environment is reset. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition will be evaluated :param initial_state: The initial state of the reset environment. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. .. py:method:: is_done(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[rlgym.api.AgentID, bool] Function to determine if a game state is terminal. This will be called once per step, and must return either `True` or `False` if the current episode should be terminated at this state. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition should be evaluated :param state: The current state of the game. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. :return: Dict of bools representing whether the current state meets this done condition for each AgentID in agents. .. py:class:: NoopCondition Bases: :py:obj:`rlgym.api.DoneCondition`\ [\ :py:obj:`rlgym.api.AgentID`\ , :py:obj:`rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState`\ ] A DoneCondition that is never satisfied. .. py:method:: reset(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], initial_state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None Function to be called each time the environment is reset. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition will be evaluated :param initial_state: The initial state of the reset environment. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. .. py:method:: is_done(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[rlgym.api.AgentID, bool] Function to determine if a game state is terminal. This will be called once per step, and must return either `True` or `False` if the current episode should be terminated at this state. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition should be evaluated :param state: The current state of the game. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. :return: Dict of bools representing whether the current state meets this done condition for each AgentID in agents. .. py:class:: TimeoutCondition(timeout_seconds: float) Bases: :py:obj:`rlgym.api.DoneCondition`\ [\ :py:obj:`rlgym.api.AgentID`\ , :py:obj:`rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState`\ ] A termination/truncation condition. This class is responsible for determining when an episode should end for each agent. .. py:attribute:: timeout_seconds .. py:attribute:: initial_tick :value: None .. py:method:: reset(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], initial_state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> None Function to be called each time the environment is reset. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition will be evaluated :param initial_state: The initial state of the reset environment. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. .. py:method:: is_done(agents: List[rlgym.api.AgentID], state: rlgym.rocket_league.api.GameState, shared_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[rlgym.api.AgentID, bool] Function to determine if a game state is terminal. This will be called once per step, and must return either `True` or `False` if the current episode should be terminated at this state. :param agents: List of AgentIDs for which this DoneCondition should be evaluated :param state: The current state of the game. :param shared_info: A dictionary with shared information across all config objects. :return: Dict of bools representing whether the current state meets this done condition for each AgentID in agents.